
RAF Honington
Supply and Movements Squadron
1981 to 1987

Robert Tillyard

Station Emblem

This is an unfinished place holder page for my RAF Honington page.
Last Update: 20 February 2014.

I'm trying to find as many of my old colleagues as I can, so, if you're in this picture or you were there somewhere near between 1981 and 1987 or you know some of the missing names it would be nice to hear from you. This picture was taken only 18 months into my posting it represents about half of the people I worked with over the six years, there are lots of others who are not in this picture. I just wish I took more pictures while I could.


1982 Photograph.

(Click the image for a larger version)
Squadron Photograph

Key to the image above:
Front Row:
? (1), ? (2), ? (3), John Stanard (4), Bob Asplin (5), Jim Gavin (6), Gerry Martin (7), Steve Oakley (8), Mark Brieley (9), ? Mitchell (10), Sqdn. Ldr. Hayter (11), ? Alm (12), John Jones (13), Plt. Off. Zinkus (14), Pete Braithwate (15), Tom McClurg (16), Pete Palmer (17), Ian Gordon (18), Flt. Sgt. Doug McLaren (19).
Second Row:
Jock Taylor (21), John Chitty (22), Brian Wright (23), 'Smudge'? Winne Windsor-Smith (24), 'Niper' Watson (25), ? (26), Les Marshal (27), Pauline Fryer (28), Rachel Withers (29), Adele Harrop(/Lawrence/Barret?) (30), Liz Buckingham(/Fenner?) (31), Chery Watkins (32). ? (33), Vee Edgar (34), Paul Kirby (35), Tony Harrop (36), Robbie McDonald (37), ? (38), ? (39), Mark/Mac? Biddle (40), Sue Bolton (41), Mrs. Dawson (42).
Third Row:
Bill McGready (43), ? (44), Bill Hewlett (45), ? (46), Steve Kennedy (47), Bill Dawson (48), Dick Croad (49), Keith Short (50), Trev Fenner (51), Ken Graham (52), ? (53), 'Plug'? (54), Nigel Westlake (55), Robert Tillyard (56)(me), Mr. Fishermac (57), Chris Poole (58), Laurance Lomax (59), ? (60), Tom ? (61), John 'JC' Carter (62), ? (63), ? (64), ? (65).
Back Row:
Geordie Madison (66), Bobby Dee/Davidson? (67), Bruce Oram (68), Robbie West (69), Ken Millican (or Milighan) (70), Fred O'Reilly (71), 'Knocker' Watson (72), 'Lurch' Cook (73) Chris Harrison (74), Taff? (75), Andy Bullock (76), Murry Philips (77), Hughe Cogan (78), Mal Cooper (79), ? (80), Mr. Green (81), ? (82).

1984 Photograph (Not the complete squadron).

(Click the image for a larger version)
Squadron Photograph

Key to the image above:

Front Row:

Second Row:

Third Row:

Back Row:

1985 Photograph.

(Click the image for a larger version)
Squadron Photograph

Key to the image above:
Middle Group:
Sqn Ldr Yarram (1) WO Cecil Blewitt (2), Flt Lt Vincentti (5).
Front Row:
Sgt 'Taff' Reese? (7), Sgt Stu Carter (12), Flt Sgt Dick Bird (13), Sgt Alphie Massiah (14), Sgt Colin Fennel (15), Sgt. Turner (18), Sgt John Stanard (19), Flt. Sgt. Lawson (20), Flt Sgt Tom McClurg (21).
Second Row:
Mr. Fishermac (24), Tom ? (25), Horrace? (29), Cpl Al Payne (30), Mr John 'JC' Carter (31), Cpl Jenny ? (37)
Third Row:
SAC Alec Toll (39), SAC Bob Tillyard (me)(40), Cpl Steve Kenedy (42), Kathy Prynn (46), Cpl John McDonald (49), Cpl Cousins? (51), Keith ? (54), Cpl Sue Bolton (55), SAC John Ethridge (58).
Forth Row:
SAC 'George' Butler (63), SAC Ken Hall (64), Cpl Murry Philips (66), John Reading (Scouse)(67), Andy Damant (69), Scott ? (70), Dave Robinson (Jock)(71), Jim Stewardson (72), Peter Gooding (73), Jim Caldow (74)
Back Row:
SAC Mark Larter (80), SAC Alex Winter (90), SAC Andy 'Robby' Robinson (91), SAC Barry Judge (93), SAC David Ralphson (94).


Other Pictures:

POL, BFI 4: Possibly 1986ish? Left: Ian Wallace?

Don't remember the name of the chap on the left. Middle: Jim Caldo. Right: 'George' Butler?

Karl Alex Winter
Left: Carl Kallion?. Middle: Steve Kennedy. Right: Alex Winter

Left: John Rodden

(more to follow shortly)


Not in the picture but need a mention:

Barry Rowley, Ken Hall, Alex Winter, Carl Kalliean?

Not sure if in picture but remember name:

Keith Bradshaw, Jim Eldridge, Jim Caldo, Cathy Prynn, Andrew Edmonson?, John Saint (service number 1 below me), David Ralphson, Jim Stewardson, Cathy Tait(?)(may not have been a supplier), Bob Wright, George ?, Mick Gradidge? Ann Catchpole? Adrian Hall?, Graeme Sharp?, Collette Wilkins?, Linda (POL), Bob Little, Fiona Lydiard, Sgt. Morgan, Brian Cole, Mickey Swartz.

Others remember these names:

Andy Damant, Dick Mills, Flt. Lt. Vincenti, Brian Parkin, Gary Lawlor, Alfie Massiash, John Rhoddan, Laurie Henderson, Bobbie Dee, Fred O'Reilly,

Thanks to those that have helped with names:

Robbie West, Graeme Sharp, Peter Palmer, Brian Wright, Peter Gooding, Robby Butler (ASF), Andy Robinson and Keith Short.